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Vinyl Fusion Live Sound Experience

Sound Equipment

Sound Level Control

Using our Digital Mixer, Electronic Drums, and having no Amps on our stage means that we can play at whatever sound volume you desire.  We can even vary the sound volume and song selection to provide more of a listening experience during the early part of the show, then play dance songs at a higher volume later in the show.

If your venue has a dB limit of 99, we have no trouble staying under that maximum level.

Our show is specifically tuned to our own Sound System (PA).  If your venue has a house PA, we can work with your sound staff to allow access to our Digital Mixer via WiFi using industry-standard digital mixing apps on a tablet or computer.

Sound Equipment

Live Music Shouldn't Hurt

Our Digital sound allows us to deliver our live music shows at a safe volume level.

Loud music at nightclubs and concert halls poses a genuine risk to young people's hearing, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), which issued a new global standard for what is considered a safe listening volume.

Nearly 40 percent of teenagers and young adults, ages 12 - 35 years old, are exposed to potentially damaging sound levels in entertainment venues.

WHO recommended a maximum average sound level of 100 decibels (dB) to prevent hearing damage.

We monitor our sound level with a sound meter to ensure a safe volume level.

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